Polycystic Kidney Disease, Autosomal Dominant



Clinical characteristics.

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is generally a late-onset multisystem disorder characterized by bilateral renal cysts, liver cysts, and an increased risk of intracranial aneurysms. Other manifestations include: cysts in the pancreas, seminal vesicles, and arachnoid membrane; dilatation of the aortic root and dissection of the thoracic aorta; mitral valve prolapse; and abdominal wall hernias. Renal manifestations include hypertension, renal pain, and renal insufficiency. Approximately 50% of individuals with ADPKD have end-stage renal disease (ESRD) by age 60 years. The prevalence of liver cysts increases with age and occasionally results in clinically significant severe polycystic liver disease (PLD). Overall the prevalence of intracranial aneurysms is fivefold higher than in the general population and further increased in those with a positive family history of aneurysms or subarachnoid hemorrhage. There is substantial variability in the severity of renal disease and other extrarenal manifestations even within the same family.


The diagnosis of ADPKD is established in a proband with age-specific renal imaging criteria and an affected first-degree relative with ADPKD or identification of a heterozygous pathogenic variant in PKD1, PKD2, GANAB, or DNAJB11.


Treatment of manifestations: Vasopressin V2 receptor antagonists (e.g., tolvaptan) to slow disease progression. Treatment for hypertension may include ACE inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers and diet modification. Conservative treatment of flank pain includes nonopioid agents, tricyclic antidepressants, narcotic analgesics, and splanchnic nerve blockade. More aggressive treatments include cyst decompression with cyst aspiration and sclerosis, laparoscopic or surgical cyst fenestration, renal denervation, and nephrectomy. Cyst hemorrhage and/or gross hematuria is usually self-limiting. Treatment of nephrolithiasis is standard. Treatment of cyst infections is difficult, with a high failure rate. Therapeutic agents of choice may include trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, fluoroquinolones, clindamycin, vancomycin, and metronidazole. The diagnosis of malignancy requires a high index of suspicion. Therapeutic interventions aimed at slowing the progression of ESRD in ADPKD include control of hypertension and hyperlipidemia, dietary protein restriction, control of acidosis, and prevention of hyperphosphatemia. Most individuals with PLD have no symptoms and require no treatment, but rare severe cases may require surgical resection or even liver transplantation. The mainstay of therapy for ruptured or symptomatic intracranial aneurysm is surgical clipping of the ruptured aneurysm at its neck; however, for some individuals, endovascular treatment with detachable platinum coils may be indicated. Thoracic aortic replacement is indicated when the aortic root diameter exceeds established size.

Prevention of secondary manifestations (lifestyle and therapeutic factors that may modulate disease): Maintain appropriate blood pressure and urine osmolarity; low osmolar intake (e.g., moderate sodium and protein); increase hydration by moderate water intake; maintain sodium bicarbonate ≥22 mEq/L; moderate dietary phosphorus intake; moderate caloric intake to maintain normal BMI; low-impact exercise; lipid control; tolvaptan therapy.

Surveillance: Early blood pressure monitoring starting in childhood; MRI screening for intracranial aneurysms in those determined to be at high risk; screening echocardiography in those with a heart murmur and those with a family history of a first-degree relative with a thoracic aortic dissection.

Agents/circumstances to avoid: Long-term administration of nephrotoxic agents, high levels of caffeine, use of estrogens and possibly progestogens by individuals with severe PLD, smoking, and obesity.

Evaluation of relatives at risk: Testing of adult relatives at risk permits early detection and treatment of complications and associated disorders.

Pregnancy management: Pregnant women with ADPKD should be monitored for the development of hypertension, urinary tract infections, oligohydramnios, and preeclampsia; the fetus should be monitored for intrauterine fetal growth restriction, oligohydramnios, and fetal kidney anomalies including cysts, enlarged size, and atypical echogenicity.

Genetic counseling.

ADPKD is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. About 95% of individuals with ADPKD have an affected parent, but at least 10% of families can be traced to a de novo pathogenic variant. Each child of an affected individual has a 50% chance of inheriting the pathogenic variant. Once the pathogenic variant has been identified in an affected family member, prenatal testing for a pregnancy at increased risk and preimplantation genetic testing for ADPKD are possible.


Diagnostic criteria for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) are discussed in the executive summary of the KDIGO Controversies Conference [Chapman et al 2015].

Suggestive Findings

ADPKD should be suspected in individuals with the following:

  • Multiple bilateral renal cysts and the absence of manifestations suggestive of a different renal cystic disease
  • Cysts in other organs, especially the liver, but also seminal vesicles, pancreas, and arachnoid membrane
  • Enlargement of the kidneys or liver on physical examination
  • Hypertension in an individual younger than age 35 years
  • An intracranial aneurysm
  • A family history of ADPKD

Establishing the Diagnosis

The diagnosis of ADPKD is established in a proband with ANY of the following:

  • Age-specific ultrasound criteria and an affected first-degree relative with ADPKD
  • Age-specific MRI criteria and an affected first-degree relative with ADPKD
  • Identification of a heterozygous pathogenic variant in one of the genes listed in Table 3

Age-Specific Ultrasound Criteria

Age-specific ultrasound criteria in an individual with an affected first-degree relative [Pei et al 2009]:

  • The presence of three or more (unilateral or bilateral) renal cysts in an individual age 15-39 years
  • The presence of two or more cysts in each kidney in an individual age 40-59 years
  • Large echogenic kidneys without distinct macroscopic cysts in an infant/child at 50% risk for ADPKD

Note: (1) The positive predictive value of these criteria is described as 100%, regardless of (a) whether the disorder is PKD1- or PKD2-related ADPKD and (b) the age of the individual at the time of initial evaluation (see Table 1). Note that there are other genetic causes of renal cysts in addition to pathogenic variants in PKD1 or PKD2 (Table 3, Table 5). (2) The sensitivity is low (Table 1; 81.7%-95.5%), particularly in families with a pathogenic variant in PKD2 (69.5%-94.9%). A low sensitivity is likely true for families with a nontruncating PKD1 pathogenic variant (does not truncate or shorten the protein product, polycystin-1), and for pathogenic variants in GANAB or DNAJB11, which are typically associated with mild cystic disease (Table 3). In these situations, a significant number of affected individuals may not be diagnosed, which may pose a problem when exclusion of the diagnosis is critical (see Excluding the Diagnosis).

Table 1.

Ultrasound Criteria for Diagnosis of ADPKD in Individuals at 50% Risk for ADPKD Based on Family History

AgePKD1PKD2Unknown ADPKD Genotype
15-30 yrs≥3 cysts 1
PPV = 100%
SEN = 94.3%
≥3 cysts 1
PPV = 100%
SEN = 69.5%
≥3 cysts 1
PPV = 100%
SEN = 81.7%
30-39 yrs≥3 cysts 1
PPV = 100%
SEN = 96.6%
≥3 cysts 1
PPV = 100%
SEN = 94.9%
≥3 cysts 1
PPV = 100%
SEN = 95.5%
40-59 yrs≥2 cysts in each kidney
PPV = 100%
SEN = 92.6%
≥2 cysts in each kidney
PPV = 100%
SEN = 88.8%
≥2 cysts in each kidney
PPV = 100%
SEN = 90%

Derived from Pei et al [2009]. All values presented are mean estimates.

PPV = positive predictive value; SEN = sensitivity


Unilateral or bilateral

Age-specific MRI criteria are particularly useful when ultrasound results are equivocal [Pei et al 2015]. For individuals ages 16-40 years who are at 50% risk for ADPKD because they have an affected first-degree relative, the presence of more than ten cysts is sufficient for a diagnosis of ADPKD.

Note: These criteria may also be more appropriate to use when employing a modern, high-resolution ultrasound scanner that can detect cysts as small as 1-2 mm.

Excluding the Diagnosis

The absence of renal cysts by ultrasound examination virtually excludes a diagnosis of ADPKD caused by a truncating PKD1 pathogenic variant, which predicts a truncated polycystin-1, in an at-risk person age 15-30 years (negative predictive value [NPV] = 99.1%) or older (NPV = 100%). However, absence of renal cysts does not exclude the diagnosis in persons younger than age 40 years who are at risk for ADPKD caused by incompletely penetrant, nontruncating PKD1 variants or pathogenic variants in other ADPKD-related genes associated with milder disease.

A normal renal ultrasound does not exclude ADPKD with certainty in an at-risk individual younger than age 30 years (see Table 2).

Ultrasound criteria used to exclude an at-risk relative as a potential living-related kidney donor are shown in Table 2.

MRI or contrast-enhanced CT examination, which has much higher sensitivity than ultrasound to detect cysts and is routinely performed in most transplantation centers to define the donor kidney anatomy, provides further assurance for the exclusion of the diagnosis if cysts are absent (see Age-specific MRI criteria). When evaluating at-risk individuals in the same age group as living-related donors, fewer than five cysts is considered sufficient for exclusion of the disease.

When the family-specific pathogenic variant has not been identified:

  • Ultrasound examination showing normal kidneys in an individual age 30-39 years or no more than one renal cyst in an individual age 40 years or older has a negative predictive value of 100%.
  • The family history of renal disease severity can be used as a rough guide to predict the severity of disease in other family members (see Genotype-Phenotype Correlations).

Table 2.

Ultrasound Criteria That Exclude an Individual at 50% Risk for ADPKD from Being a Kidney Donor

AgePKD1PKD2Unknown ADPKD Genotype
15-30 years≥1 cyst
NPV = 99.1%
SPEC = 97.6%
≥1 cyst
NPV = 83.5%
SPEC = 96.6%
≥1 cyst
NPV = 90.8%
SPEC = 97%
30-39 years≥1 cyst
NPV = 100%
SPEC = 96%
≥1 cyst
NPV = 96.8%
SPEC = 93.8%
≥1 cyst
NPV = 98.3%
SPEC = 94.8%
40-59 years≥2 cysts
NPV = 100%
SPEC = 98.4%
≥2 cysts
NPV = 100%
SPEC = 97.8%
≥2 cysts
NPV = 100%
SPEC = 98.2%

Derived from Pei et al [2009]. All values presented are mean estimates.

NPV = negative predictive value; SPEC = specificity

Molecular Genetic Testing

Testing approaches can include a multigene panel or concurrent gene testing.

Option 1 (recommended)

A multigene panel that includes PKD1, PKD2, GANAB, DNAJB11, and other genes of interest (see Differential Diagnosis) is most likely to identify the genetic cause of the condition at the most reasonable cost while limiting identification of variants of uncertain significance and pathogenic variants in genes that do not explain the underlying phenotype. Note: (1) Multigene panels using next-generation sequencing should be carefully designed to maximize identification of a PKD1 pathogenic variant, which is complicated by several highly homologous pseudogenes [Trujillano et al 2014, Eisenberger et al 2015]. (2) The genes included in the panel and the diagnostic sensitivity of the testing used for each gene vary by laboratory and are likely to change over time. (3) Some multigene panels may include genes not associated with the condition discussed in this GeneReview. (4) In some laboratories, panel options may include a custom laboratory-designed panel and/or custom phenotype-focused exome analysis that includes genes specified by the clinician. (5) Methods used in a panel may include sequence analysis, deletion/duplication analysis, and/or other non-sequencing-based tests.

For an introduction to multigene panels click here. More detailed information for clinicians ordering genetic tests can be found here.

Option 2

Concurrent gene testing. Sequence analysis and deletion/duplication analysis of PKD1 and PKD2 can be performed concurrently. Note: Sequence analysis should be designed to maximize identification of a PKD1 pathogenic variant, which is complicated by several highly homologous pseudogenes [Trujillano et al 2014, Eisenberger et al 2015].

Table 3.

Molecular Genetic Testing Used in ADPKD

Gene 1Proportion of ADPKD Attributed to Pathogenic Variants in GeneProportion of Pathogenic Variants 2 Detectable by Method
Sequence analysis 3Gene-targeted deletion/duplication analysis 4
PKD1~78%~97% 5~3%
PKD2~15%~97% 5~3%
GANAB~0.3%7/7Unknown, none reported 6
DNAJB11~0.1%7/7Unknown, none reported 6

See Table A. Genes and Databases for chromosome locus and protein.


See Molecular Genetics for information on allelic variants detected in this gene.


Sequence analysis detects variants that are benign, likely benign, of uncertain significance, likely pathogenic, or pathogenic. Pathogenic variants may include small intragenic deletions/insertions and missense, nonsense, and splice site variants; typically, exon or whole-gene deletions/duplications are not detected. For issues to consider in interpretation of sequence analysis results, click here.


Gene-targeted deletion/duplication analysis detects intragenic deletions or duplications. Methods used may include quantitative PCR, long-range PCR, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA), and a gene-targeted microarray designed to detect single-exon deletions or duplications. Due to the segmental duplication of PKD1, such analysis may require specific methods that detect large rearrangements, such as multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) [Consugar et al 2008, Cornec-Le Gall et al 2013] or chromosomal microarray (CMA) that includes this gene/chromosome segment.


Rossetti et al [2007], Audrézet et al [2012], Cornec-Le Gall et al [2016], Heyer et al [2016]


No data on detection rate of gene-targeted deletion/duplication analysis are available.

Clinical Characteristics

Clinical Description

Renal Manifestations

Although all individuals with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) develop cysts within the kidneys, there is substantial variability in severity of renal disease and other manifestations of the disease, even within the same family.

Poor prognostic factors include: diagnosis before age 30 years [Gabow 1996]; first episode of hematuria before age 30 years; onset of hypertension before age 35 years [Cornec-Le Gall et al 2016]; hyperlipidemia and high body mass index (BMI) [Nowak et al 2018]; high urine sodium excretion [Torres et al 2017a]; lower renal blood flow; lower serum HDL cholesterol [Torres et al 2011a]; large total kidney volume (TKV) [Chapman et al 2012, Irazabal et al 2015]; and the presence of a truncating PKD1 variant [Cornec-Le Gall et al 2013, Heyer et al 2016].

The lower incidence of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in affected females compared to affected males suggests that ADPKD is a more severe disease in males. Analysis of a population of individuals with PKD1-related ADPKD from the French Genkyst cohort showed poorer renal survival in males than females (mean age at onset of ESRD was 58.1 years for males and 59.5 years for females) [Cornec-Le Gall et al 2013]. Heyer et al [2016] showed lower estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and larger height-adjusted TKV (htTKV) in males compared to females in the total HALT PKD study population and in individuals with PKD1-related ADPKD. Males with PKD2-related ADPKD also had lower eGFR. Males with truncating PKD1 variants, onset of hypertension before age 35 years, and/or a urologic event before age 35 years were the most severely affected [Cornec-Le Gall et al 2016].

Cyst development and growth. The renal manifestations of ADPKD include renal function abnormalities, hypertension, renal pain, and renal insufficiency. These manifestations are directly related to the development and enlargement of renal cysts. A study by the Consortium of Imaging Studies to Assess the Progression of Polycystic Kidney Disease (CRISP) of 241 non-azotemic affected individuals followed prospectively with annual MRI examinations showed that TKV and cyst volumes increased exponentially. At baseline, TKV was 1,060 ± 642 mL; the mean increase over three years was 204 mL, or 5.3% per year. The baseline TKV predicted the subsequent rate of increase in renal volume, meaning that the larger the kidney, the faster the rate of renal enlargement over time. Declining glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was observed in persons with baseline TKV above 1,500 mL [Grantham et al 2006].

Kidney size has been shown to be a strong predictor of subsequent decline in renal function with an htTKV of ≥600 mL/m showing a high predictive value for the individual to develop renal insufficiency within eight years [Chapman et al 2012]. Compartmentalizing age-adjusted htTKV into five classes based on htTKV/age has also shown that this strongly predicts decline in renal function and ESRD. A model including htTKV (that can be estimated using renal dimensions and the ellipsoid equation), age, and eGFR (available via an online app) has good predictive value in estimating future eGFR [Irazabal et al 2015].

Individuals with PKD1-related ADPKD often have significantly larger kidneys with more cysts than individuals with PKD2-related ADPKD. However, the rates of cystic growth are not different, indicating that PKD1-related ADPKD is more severe because more cysts develop earlier, not because they grow faster [Harris et al 2006].

Occasionally, enlarged and echogenic kidneys with or without renal cysts are detected prenatally in a fetus at risk for ADPKD [Zerres et al 1993]. The prognosis in these individuals is often more favorable than expected given the large kidney size with a decrease in volume and no decline in renal function commonly seen, at least during childhood. However, ESRD develops earlier than is typically seen in adult-onset disease [Fick et al 1993, Zerres et al 1993]. Biallelic PKD1 or PKD2 pathogenic variants have been reported in individuals with very early-onset ADPKD (see Genotype-Phenotype Correlations) [Cornec-Le Gall et al 2018].

Renal function abnormalities. Reduction in urinary concentrating capacity and excretion of ammonia occur early in individuals with ADPKD. The reduction of urinary excretion of ammonia in the presence of metabolic stresses (e.g., dietary indiscretions) may contribute to the development of uric acid and calcium oxalate stones, which, in association with low urine pH values and hypocitric aciduria, occur with increased frequency in individuals with ADPKD.

Studies suggest that the urinary concentrating defect and elevated serum concentration of vasopressin may contribute to cystogenesis [Nagao et al 2006]. They may also contribute to the glomerular hyperfiltration seen in children and young adults, development of hypertension, and progression of chronic kidney disease [Torres 2005].

Plasma copeptin concentration (a marker of endogenous vasopressin levels) has been associated with various markers of disease severity (positively with TKV and albuminuria and negatively with GFR and effective renal blood flow) in a cross-sectional analysis of people with ADPKD [Meijer et al 2011]. Plasma copeptin concentration has also been associated with the change in TKV during follow up in the CRISP study [Boertien et al 2013].

A decline in renal function, detected as a rise in serum creatinine, is generally seen only later in the course of disease, typically about a dozen years before ESRD. However, once kidney function starts to deteriorate, GFR has been observed to decline rapidly (~4-6 mL/min/yr) [Klahr et al 1995]. The severity of the kidney disease may influence the timing and rate of decline.

Another early functional abnormality is a reduction in renal blood flow, which can be detected in young individuals (when systolic and diastolic blood pressures are still normal) and precedes the development of hypertension [Torres et al 2007b].

Hypertension usually develops before any decline in GFR. It is characterized by the following:

  • An increase in renal vascular resistance and filtration fraction
  • Normal or high peripheral plasma renin activity
  • Resetting of the pressure-natriuresis relationship
  • Salt sensitivity
  • Normal or increased extracellular fluid volume, plasma volume, and cardiac output
  • Partial correction of renal hemodynamics and sodium handling by converting enzyme inhibition

Hypertension is often diagnosed much later than when it first occurs in individuals with ADPKD. Twenty-four-hour monitoring of ambulatory blood pressure of children or young adults may reveal elevated blood pressure, attenuated decrease in nocturnal blood pressure, and exaggerated blood pressure response during exercise, which may be accompanied by left ventricular hypertrophy and diastolic dysfunction [Seeman et al 2003]. Monitoring of blood pressure in children at risk for ADPKD is recommended [Massella et al 2018].

Early detection and treatment of hypertension in ADPKD is important because cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death. Uncontrolled high blood pressure increases the risk for:

  • Proteinuria, hematuria, and a faster decline of renal function;
  • Morbidity and mortality from valvular heart disease and aneurysms;
  • Fetal and maternal complications during pregnancy.

Renal pain. Pain is a common manifestation of ADPKD [Bajwa et al 2004]. Potential etiologies include: cyst hemorrhage, nephrolithiasis, cyst infection, and, rarely, tumor. Discomfort, ranging from a sensation of fullness to severe pain, can also result from renal enlargement and distortion by cysts. Gross hematuria can occur in association with complications such as cyst hemorrhage and nephrolithiasis or as an isolated event. Passage of clots can also be a source of pain. Cyst hemorrhage can be accompanied by fever, possibly caused by cyst infection. Most often, the pain is self-limited and resolves within two to seven days. Rarely, pain may be caused by retroperitoneal bleeding that may be severe and require transfusion.

Nephrolithiasis. The prevalence of renal stone disease in individuals with ADPKD is approximately 20% [Torres et al 1993]. The majority of stones are composed of uric acid and/or calcium oxalate. Urinary stasis thought to be secondary to distorted renal anatomy and metabolic factors plays a role in the pathogenesis [Torres et al 2007a]. Postulated factors predisposing to the development of renal stone disease in ADPKD include: decreased ammonia excretion, low urinary pH, and low urinary citrate concentration. However, these factors occur with the same frequency in individuals with ADPKD with and without a history of nephrolithiasis [Nishiura et al 2009].

Urinary tract infection and cyst infection. In the past, the incidence of urinary tract infection may have been overestimated in individuals with ADPKD because of the frequent occurrence of sterile pyuria. As in the general population, females experience urinary tract infections more frequently than males; the majority of infections are caused by E coli and other enterobacteriaceae. Retrograde infection from the bladder may lead to pyelonephritis or cyst infection. Renal cyst infections account for approximately 9% of hospitalizations in individuals with ADPKD [Sallée et al 2009].

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) does not occur more frequently in individuals with ADPKD than in the general population. However, when RCC develops in individuals with ADPKD, it has a different biologic behavior, including: earlier age of presentation; frequent constitutional symptoms; and a higher proportion of sarcomatoid, bilateral, multicentric, and metastatic tumors. Males and females with ADPKD are equally likely to develop RCC. A solid mass on ultrasound; speckled calcifications on CT examination; and contrast enhancement, tumor thrombus, and regional lymphadenopathies on CT or MRI examination should raise suspicion for a carcinoma.

An increased risk for RCC in individuals with ADPKD who are on dialysis for ESRD can be explained by the increased incidence of RCC with advanced kidney disease [Hajj et al 2009, Nishimura et al 2009]. A retrospective study of 40,821 Medicare primary renal transplant recipients transplanted from January 1, 2000 to July 31, 2005 (excluding those with pre-transplant nephrectomy), demonstrated that acquired renal cystic disease pre-transplant, but not ADPKD, was associated with post-transplant RCC.

When age and other co-variants were taken into consideration, the rate of all cancers in individuals with ADPKD after kidney transplantation was reported to be lower than in kidney transplant recipients who did not have ADPKD [Wetmore et al 2014].

Other. Massive renal enlargement can cause complications resulting from compression of local structures, such as inferior vena cava compression and gastric outlet obstruction (mainly caused by cysts of the right kidney).

Renal failure. Approximately 50% of individuals with ADPKD have ESRD by age 60 years. Mechanisms accounting for the decline in renal function include: compression of the normal renal parenchyma by expanding cysts, vascular sclerosis, interstitial inflammation and fibrosis, and apoptosis of the tubular epithelial cells. The CRISP study [Grantham et al 2006] confirmed a strong relationship with renal enlargement and showed that kidney and cyst volumes are the strongest predictors of renal functional decline.

CRISP also found that renal blood flow (or vascular resistance) is an independent predictor of renal function decline [Torres et al 2007b]. This points to the importance of vascular remodeling in the progression of the disease and may account for reports in which the decline of renal function appears to be out of proportion to the severity of the cystic disease. Angiotensin II, transforming growth factor-β, and reactive oxygen species may contribute to the vascular lesions and interstitial fibrosis by stimulating the synthesis of chemokines, extracellular matrix, and metalloproteinase inhibitors.

Other factors including heavy use of analgesics may contribute to kidney disease progression in some individuals.

Extrarenal Manifestations

Polycystic liver disease (PLD) is the most common extrarenal manifestation of ADPKD.

Hepatic cysts are rare in children. The frequency of hepatic cysts increases with age and may have been underestimated by ultrasound and CT studies. Their prevalence by MRI in the CRISP study is 58% in participants age 15-24 years, 85% in those age 25-34 years, and 94% in those age 35-46 years [Bae et al 2006]. PLD develops at a younger age in women than men and is more severe in women who have had multiple pregnancies. After menopause, the size of liver cysts increased in women who received estrogen replacement therapy, suggesting that estrogens have an important effect on the progression of PLD [Everson & Taylor 2005]. Analysis of liver volumes and liver cyst volumes in 534 individuals with ADPKD in the HALT PKD study showed an increase in parenchymal volume and a correlation between the severity of PLD and biochemical and hematologic features, in addition to reduced quality of life [Hogan et al 2015]. Analysis of individuals with severe PLD, defined as a height-adjusted total liver volume of 1.8 liters, showed no difference in frequency among those with truncating PKD1 variants, nontruncating PKD1 variants, and PKD2 pathogenic variants, suggesting that other factors are primarily responsible for the severity of PLD [Chebib et al 2016]. This study also showed that severe PLD often regressed in females after menopause.

Liver cysts are usually asymptomatic and never cause liver failure. Symptoms, when they occur, are caused by the mass effect of the cysts, the development of complications, or rare associations. Mass effects include: abdominal distention and pain, early satiety, dyspnea, and low back pain. Liver cysts can also cause extrinsic compression of the inferior vena cava (IVC), hepatic veins, or bile ducts [Torres 2007].

The liver cyst epithelia produce and secrete carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), a tumor marker for gastrointestinal cancers. The concentration of CA19-9 is increased in the serum of individuals with PLD and markedly elevated in hepatic cyst fluid. Serum CA19-9 levels correlate with polycystic liver volume [Waanders et al 2009, Kanaan et al 2010].

Complications of PLD include cyst hemorrhage, infection, or rupture. Hemorrhagic cysts may cause fever and masquerade as cholecystitis or cyst infection. Usually cyst infections are monomicrobial, are caused by enterobacteriaceae, and present with localized pain or tenderness, fever, leukocytosis, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and high serum concentration of alkaline phosphatase and CA19-9. Elevations of CA19-9, however, can also be observed in other conditions causing abdominal pain and fever, such as acute cholangitis or diverticulitis. CT and MRI examination are helpful in the diagnosis of cyst infection but have low specificity. On CT examination, the following have been associated with infection: fluid-debris levels within cysts, cyst wall thickening, intracystic gas bubbles, and heterogeneous or increased density. Indium-labeled white blood cell scans are more specific but not always conclusive. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography examination is the most sensitive technique for diagnosis of infected cysts [Bleeker-Rovers et al 2003]. The rupture of a hepatic cyst can cause acute abdominal pain and ascites.

Other liver disease

  • Dilatation of biliary ducts may be associated with episodes of cholangitis.
  • Congenital hepatic fibrosis is rarely seen in individuals with ADPKD.
  • Cholangiocarcinoma is infrequently associated with ADPKD.
  • Adenomas of the ampulla of Vater have been rarely reported.

Pancreatic lesions

  • Pancreatic cysts occur in approximately 8% of individuals with ADPKD. They are usually less prominent than those observed in von Hippel-Lindau syndrome (see Table 5). They are almost always asymptomatic, and rarely associated with recurrent pancreatitis [Başar et al 2006].
  • Intraductal papillary mucinous tumors have been reported with increased frequency, but their prevalence and prognosis in ADPKD are uncertain [Naitoh et al 2005].
  • An association between ADPKD and pancreatic carcinomas was reported [Sakurai et al 2001]; however, this may represent a chance association of two common disorders.

Cysts in other organs

  • Seminal vesicle cysts, present in 40% of males, rarely result in infertility. Defective sperm motility is another cause of male infertility in ADPKD [Torra et al 2008].
  • Arachnoid membrane cysts, present in 8% of affected individuals [Danaci et al 1998], are usually asymptomatic, but may increase the risk for subdural hematomas [Wijdicks et al 2000].
  • Spinal meningeal diverticula may occur with increased frequency and individuals may present with intracranial hypotension secondary to cerebrospinal fluid leak [Schievink & Torres 1997].
  • Ovarian cysts are not associated with ADPKD [Stamm et al 1999, Heinonen et al 2002].

Vascular and cardiac manifestations. The most important non-cystic manifestations of ADPKD include: intracranial and other arterial aneurysms and, more rarely, dolichoectasias, dilatation of the aortic root, dissection of the thoracic aorta and cervicocephalic arteries, abnormalities of the cardiac valves, and, possibly, coronary artery aneurysms [Pirson et al 2002]. Evidence of familial clustering of thoracic aortic dissections in ADPKD also exists.

Intracranial aneurysms occur in approximately 10% of individuals with ADPKD [Pirson et al 2002]. The prevalence is higher in those individuals with a positive family history of intracranial or subarachnoid hemorrhage (22%) than in those without such a family history (6%). The majority of intracranial aneurysms are asymptomatic. Focal findings, such as cranial nerve palsy or seizure, may result from compression of local structures by an enlarging aneurysm.

The mean age of rupture of intracranial aneurysms is lower in individuals with ADPKD than in the general population (39 years vs 51 years). The risk of rupture of asymptomatic intracranial aneurysms depends on the history of rupture from a different site [International Study of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms Investigators 1998].

In the absence of a history of rupture from a different site, the risk for rupture is as follows:

  • 0.05% per year for aneurysms <10 mm in diameter
  • ~1% per year for aneurysms 10-24 mm
  • 6% within one year for aneurysms ≥25 mm

In the presence of a history of rupture from a different site, the risk of rupture is 0.5%-1% per year regardless of size.

The risk of rupture of symptomatic aneurysms is higher – approximately 4% per year.

Intracranial aneurysm rupture confers a 35% to 55% risk for combined severe morbidity and mortality at three months [Inagawa 2001]. At the time of rupture of an aneurysm, most individuals have normal renal function; and up to 30% have normal blood pressure.

Follow-up studies of individuals with ADPKD with intracranial aneurysms found a moderate risk for the development of new aneurysms or enlargement of an existing one in previously symptomatic individuals and a low risk of enlargement of asymptomatic aneurysms detected by presymptomatic screening [Belz et al 2003, Gibbs et al 2004, Irazabal et al 2011].

Individuals with ADPKD may be at increased risk for vasospasm and transient ischemic complications following cerebral angiography. They may also be at increased risk for central retinal arterial and venous occlusions, possibly as a result of enhanced vasoconstriction to adrenergic stimulation and arterial wall remodeling [Qian et al 2007b].

Mitral valve prolapse, the most common valvular abnormality in ADPKD, has been demonstrated by echocardiography in up to 25% of affected individuals.

Aortic insufficiency may occur in association with dilatation of the aortic root. Although these lesions may progress with time, they rarely require valve replacement. Screening echocardiography is not indicated unless a murmur is detected on examination.

Several studies have shown increased left ventricular mass, left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, endothelial dysfunction, increased carotid intima-media thickness, and exaggerated blood pressure response during exercise even in young normotensive individuals with ADPKD with well-preserved renal function. Even normotensive individuals with ADPKD may show significant biventricular diastolic dysfunction, suggesting cardiac involvement early in the course of the disease [Martinez-Vea et al 2004, Oflaz et al 2005]. The clinical significance of this finding remains to be determined. A study of 543 affected individuals with GFR >60 mL/min per 1.73 m2, short duration of hypertension, and prior use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors / angiotensin receptor blockers who underwent cardiac MRI found a very low prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy, possibly due to early blood pressure intervention [Perrone et al 2011].

Pericardial effusion occurs with an increased frequency in individuals with ADPKD, possibly because of increased compliance of the parietal pericardium. These effusions are generally well tolerated and clinically inconsequential. In the absence of known predisposing factors, extensive investigative and/or therapeutic interventions for silent pericardial effusion in persons with ADPKD are not indicated [Qian et al 2007a]. Recent studies have suggested that individuals with ADPKD may be predisposed to idiopathic dilated and hypertrophic obstructed cardiomyopathy, and left ventricular non-compaction [Paavola et al 2013, Chebib et al 2017].

Diverticular disease. Colonic diverticulosis and diverticulitis are more common in individuals with ESRD associated with ADPKD than in those with other renal diseases [Sharp et al 1999, Lederman et al 2000]. Whether this increased risk extends to persons with ADPKD prior to development of ESRD is uncertain.

Extracolonic diverticular disease may also occur with increased frequency and become clinically significant in a minority of affected individuals [Kumar et al 2006].


Variable disease presentation in a family and apparent de novo disease